Finished in Gunmetal Grey Metallic the 1951 military Jeep has been transformed with a couple modern and more convenient touches. The owners father who originally owned the Willys has his racing number displayed on the tailgate in remembrance.

With the chassis restored and a brand new engine built from NOS block and parts it was time to tackle a fuel tank relocation. Early Jeep drivers had to sit on top of the gas tank but with the installment of a CJ7 tank in the rear we were able to free up the space used by the original fuel tank for other things.
Kaiser Jeep was sold to AMC in 1970 marking the beginning of the end for the old Jeeps. The CJ5 was sold in America as either a Willys or a Jeep and overseas as the Ford Jeep in Brazil, the Jeep Shahbaz in Iran, and the Shinjin Jeep in South Korea. Watch for this CJ5 to make a huge transformation from it’s current state.